Two ways you can raise awareness and promote UX in your company

August 4, 2020

I joined Threefold over two years ago, and to say it was a completely different place in terms of designs awareness back then is an understatement.

You see, when I arrived, no one knew what design was, let alone the power it has to boost a company’s fortunes. To be brutally honest, a lot of people in the company thought it was a complete waste of time and money. “Paint by numbers” and “make it pretty” is all anyone thought designers could do. And UX design was not important at all.


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How the Real Estate Industry Can Use Snapchat and Facebook Live Video for Sales

November 20, 2019

After Crush It! and Thank You Economy were released, I realized that a lot of the readers who were drawn to my advice happened to be in the real estate business. Which, if you think about it, makes perfect sense–to be good in real estate, you have to have great entrepreneurial tendencies. It’s no wonder why I’ve always had a bit of kinship towards that industry.

Back in 2011, I even did a big keynote speech at the Re/Max annual convention to over 40,000 people. Real estate has always been a hot topic and I continue to get a lot of questions on how realtors can leverage social media for their businesses.


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